
For Hospitality

Staffing is one of the biggest costs businesses face both in terms of wages, training and recruitment.

In the hospitality industry turnover can be a great issue and also a very expensive one when you take staff on they have to be trained when they leave, especially if it’s quick, staff must be found and trained again This is extra cost




Pay the staff a very good rate. 


This does not always work as many staff will do what they need to do to keep the job and no more.


Hire Key staff with experience on better salary packages. 


this has the advantage of bringing people in that do not require much training and are able to support and motivate the people under them, the danger is if you can hire these people with a very attractive package, then they can easily go somewhere else for a better package. It is a fact that many people spent time at each establishment until they get a better offer or they are bored or both and then move 


Not all businesses are able to pay high wages, not all staff deserve them and money doesn’t buy happiness, especially amongst some staff, these problems as you are well aware many staff do the minimum to keep the job they can often be sick, late and the end result is that the product you’re trying to give your customers you cannot always deliver

Additionally people like this feel the pressure  more as it gets busier and as I’m sure you’ve seen many times the busier you get the harder is to keep a viable amount of quality trained staff happy




Improving the mental well-being, satisfaction, and capabilities of existing stuff should fix many of these issues. However, this can be very expensive. Additionally, where do you go for this?


What I can do for you


I can provide short seminar/lectures for two categories of your employees


Existing management 


These are key people in your organization and many get promoted up the ladder when people above leave they will appear to be able to do the job and often work hard to do it. This doesn’t mean they are fully capable long term 


Future management 


thinking of your staffing as a cycle and a hierarchy you probably can identify people that you think will be worthy future management and supervisors, etc. this will only happen when there is a vacancy and assuming they are still with you. In this category the people are vitally important as the more they are motivated, the more they will stay and work hard, which gives you the flexibility to remove redundant, ineffective letters of management and promote within. You will already know this is one of the most effective methods of growing management for the future and at a lower cost 

So now we see two opportunities to improve the functionality and longevity of key staff both immediately and for the future 


therefore, the people in the first category who don’t respond, will be replaced by more capable people from the second category, and so your business can grow.


The costs are relatively low compared to alternatives. They also give peace of mind. I mean that when you have the sudden loss of a staff member it is not the disaster you could have been especially if it happens at high season.

I would do this is initially a one to two hour seminar for between 10 and 15 of the people of each category by teaching them better people skills and giving them guidelines and principles to follow. They will do tie job that you’re are paying them more effectively and better for you’re organization, you’re providing them with training that is very difficult to find 

Both courses will be slightly different adapted to the  two classes of people I will be talking to 


Pressure is reduced as there are no exams involved. I tell everybody at the start that they are there because they paid to be and so am I the objective is they find at least one thing to take away from the talk to improve there working environment one thing times 10 to 15 can make a big difference.


Additionally feedback is very important. I’m able to report back to you in complete confidence observations on the people based on their responses attitude and interest level this can assist you in future decisions regarding the people in the courses, as well as general mood and enthusiasm levels to give a better idea of the quality you hard and the environment they work in 


I can also also make specific courses individually or for smaller groups, various levels as needed to assist your business and the potential of the staff that you have


Quality side effects 


take a small group of existing management and improve their attitude skills. This can have a lock on effect for the people below them and around them, you can identify the weak spots in the organization and fix them and also identify the ones that are worthy of further assistance

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